Silly things, to be specific.
- Mashed potato will always be there for me. Yes, I think they're always there for me especially in my bad times. I remember I had an argument with "someone" before and the next day, a friend(now my boyfriend), invited me to his place to taste his mashed potato. It was good. Mashed potato is actually my favorite eversince but I wasnt very vocal about it. Hahaha! Whatevs! Then theres one time last year, when going home from Baler, Rafael was super mad because the van waited forever for some unimportant friend of them/passenger, and we were stucked inside the van for i-dont-know-how-long.. He started being mean and not talking to me. I seriously didnt know how to comfort him or make him feel good. I ran out of things to say, I told him, "its okay, theres leftover mashed potato at home, we'll eat it as soon as we get home." He super laughed and changed his mood. :) its effective I tell you. Then few weeks ago I was having some 'quarter life crisis' and made myself some mashed potato, didnt really made me feel okay, but made me feel full. Haha.
- Crossfit is fine for me. I think I like it. Yes its cool for me. Not the hardcore ones. But I havent try them yet. :( Maybe soon(not sooo soon), next time!