Thursday, December 27, 2012!

That feeling you usually get when someone tells you, "we need to talk". Thats what I am right now. Omg. I swear its freaking the crap out of me!! It sounds so serious! And I'm so nervoussss right now. Uuuh. Make me calm.

I wonder what's on mind of these creatures. They look so calm!

Monday, December 24, 2012


I would like to wish everyone happiness and blessings this holiday season. Much love to each and everyone of you. Hope your lives are filled with joy and love because each of you deserve it.

Grace D.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

staying up late,so why not post something.

The last few days/weeks have been a roller coaster of a journey for
me. I've been in all sorts of mood lately.. Happy, sad, then sappy,
then cheerful the next minute, omg I thought I've gone crazy.

Never thought doing things we used to do before will be the only way
to bring me back my sanityyyy! Thanks to my bestfriend B. Oh, how I
love this line from Cher Lloyd's song:
"Wherever you go, just always remember
That you got a home for now and forever And if you get low, just call
me whenever
This is my oath to you
Wherever you go, just always remember
You never alone, we're birds of a feather
And we'll never change, no matter the weather
This is my oath to you"

Catching up on things, walking around, pigging out, laughing
hilariously over random things/people, listening to the most sad and
emo songs, and watching GG series finale! Omg! T'was the best. I
missed this kind of fun! I think I should do this more often to get a
total rid of those shhtloads some SOB gave me. ;)

And now, 24th of December, and still trying to get that "christmas
feeling". Ohhgeez, so sorry for being such a drama azz. I should end
this now. Ciao!

Friday, December 21, 2012


"this wonderful girl makes everyone smile whenever  she is in the place.. this wonderful girl is trusting but  careful.. this wonderful girl has a lot of wonderful  things going for her.. this wonderful girl will write a  very touching and beautiful book one day..  and this wonderful girl, weirdly enough, loves me.. and that makes me a very lucky man.."

I miss you and I'm sorry. What didn't I do right that wasn't enough to keep you?

Thursday, December 20, 2012

beautiful... goodbye..

Is there beauty in goodbye? Yes. No. Maybe. I dont know..

**I swear what am gonna write has no relevance to the song.**
 I just remember listening to this song one fiiiine early morning while in the bathroom and when I got back to bed, you were there nagging at me for disturbing your sleep. Its crazy funny that you really loooove sleeping BIIIIGTIME. Your sleep time is so hoooly you'd kick my ass if I wake you up too early (which I always do) or accidentally wake you up in the middle of the night by just moving from one side to another(which WE normal people do), or simply by just getting up for bathroom(im a huuuuuman beeeeing!), or just by the beep of your cellphone whenever I text you wakeup(which I love to do because I sure know you'll be maaaad *smile*)   I even remember one time when we had a discussion about me finding a day job. *shrugs* because of sleeping again, smh! Im literally rolling my eyes right now.   But theres this one night, when you sacrificed your ever hoooly sleep time, -I swear its touching- ^.^ you spent your costly sleep time listening and watching while Im grinding my teeth(bruxism) to sleep. Lol. What can I do. Im unconscious! I can still picture your faaaace when i woke up and found you right there desperately massaging my jaw! In the middle of the night! HELLO. You said you were so worried I might break my teeth! Lol. You.
I didnt know how long you've been doing that but I was too sleepy to even make a word.

The next morning was even funnier. (But I won't tell u guys what happened, this is tmi) *wink* But from then on, it became an issue. My teethsound. Pfft. But hey im improving. Thats what U said.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

which reminds me again...

Lol. Its always funny and interesting when someone tells you a story and starts it with, "I was so drunk last night... blah blah blah..."

Oh well.. Which reminds me of a conversation I had with a friend last week. We were talking about ourselves because we just so love hearing things about ourselves. :) nah. We just love talking. Or not. No. We just love hearing stories maybe :)

So, we talked about "BLACK HUMOR". (Which I never knew there's such words/phrase like that). Funny Raffi. Lol. Ssshh.. He just invented that phrase by the way ;). *peace*

What he actually meant was, people being too confident and proud that they almost forgot to say a simple 'thanks' when someone praises them or their work. And he said im one of them. Omg noooooooo! I actually didnt got it at first until he gave me an example of what I usually do.

And. Shit. Yes.

It felt bad realizing that sometimes you become the person you thought you're not gonna be. Phew! I swear I do appreciate everything. Compliments, or any sorts of flattery, I do like them! I like hearing all the loves! I think Im just no good at showing people how appreciative I am. *sigh* I will, this time I promise. And sorry to those people I let down unintentionally, if there's any.

I wanna say my thanks to my friend for all the things you taught me.. For being true and nice all the time. Opps! Sorry not all the time, look at this.

Haha. Peace! :)

which reminds me..

That there's a lot of things to be thankful for.

Last last night was epic. Epic crazy. I accidentally dropped my cellphone on the street while on my way to work. Take note, on a BUSY street! I only realized I don't have my phone with me when I was already in the jeepney. I nearly had a heart attack that the first to came in my mind was to ransack and double check my bag, but to my horror and grrrreeeaaaat dismay, its not there! Omg! I almost died! Shesh, I may sound a little overreacting (yes I know I do, but shoot me in the head, I dont care) bacause I still have some extra cellphone with me to replace it BUT no. I just love that phone! I've been using that cellphone for three long years and I love it! I can use it forever! Though not grand, still its my everything.

I tried calling my number hundred of times but no one answers so I just cried all my way to work with people's "why the heck is she crying" look. And I was like, i-just-lost-my-phone-can-you-please-just-bear-with-me?

After couple of hours, I got some messages and phone calls from friends saying they talked to the person who got my phone! Yay! Too bad I can't leave the office so instead of me getting my phone back, my friend suggested he'll get it on my behalf. Omg must be so grateful for having these kind of friends! I feel So lucky! And thanks to the person who gave my phone back, God bless you!

I got my phone back the next day after work and was so shocked, no actually I'm more touched than shocked because some friends were so concerned they called and texted the person holding my phone to give it back to me. Awww. Real friends. They're irreplaceable!