Sunday, January 6, 2013

first weekend of 2013

As much as I wanted to make it worthwhile, I failed. Lol. I spent most of my weekend at HOOOME. Sleeping(no), eating(yes), reading(NO), and thinking(yea..a lot!).

I honestly can't remember what I did on my first Saturday of this year(yesterday).. Hmmm.. I have loads of things on my to-do-list but blame my asz, I still have that 'holiday hangover'. Gah! I'm so not ready for another weekday!
The only thing that excites me right now is the thought that I included on my to-do-list to cook foodies! Omg! Happy tummy and happy me.. I love cooking just so you know! …and I love eating! *I guess everyone knows already*

I now remember where my Saturday was spent.  In the mall! Alone. Geez. I got two invites from two friends; the one inviting me for a drink(which i instantly turned down because I promised myself to atleast TRY to avoid alcohol..isnt it a good idea? Hihi) and the other one for bowling. But I got all so hyped with veggies and all in the supermarket with some stupid background music so I lost track of time. It was late when I remember about the bowling.. Pfft. So, I just went back home(which i regret) because staying at home on a saturday night only made me realized how bad I was. I mean, a bad friend. Shoot.
So, thats another story.

Back to my weekend, I woke up a little early this Sunday morning only to answer a phone call from a drunk friend from the other side of the world. I love my friends *rolling my eyes* Shesh. Right after, I had another phone call from B who at that time was soooo stressed! Phew! After an hour I got another call from another friend and talked about OUR age and some sickness! How cool! It scared the shit outta me! Oh well..

Thanks for making my weekend fun. Somehow.

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